Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cora Mae McCormick

Cora Mae McCormick is a sweet baby girl who lived for 5 days and died in her mother's arms. Today is her 1st birthday. I first read about Cora last December when I was looking for info on congential heart defects.  I was so profoundly touched by her story and have been following her mom and dad on their journey this past year.  Cora's story has helped to spread the word about congenital heart defects.  I was amazed when I found out that 1out of every 100 babies born has a heart defect.  Why had I not heard about this before Emma was born?  It is the number 1 cause of death amongst children ~ greater than all childhood cancer.  Again why had I never heard of a CHD???  What shocked me more than that information was that there is no test done on babies before they leave the hospital to check for a CHD.  How can that be?  How can the one thing that takes more childrens lives not be tested for??? Had Cora had a simple pulse ox test she may be here celebrating her 1st birthday.  Had a simple echo been required before she went home she may be taking her first steps today.  Congenital heart defects claim too many lives and Cora's heart may have been too broken for her to survive but she was not given the chance.  So today, in memory of sweet baby Cora , I ask you to please take a moment and click on the above link and check out Cora's Story.  Tell anyone you know who is pregnant to please request a pulse oximetry test before they take their sweet baby home.  Hug your kiddies a little bit tighter today.   I know I am going to hug my sweet heart warrior all I can! 

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