Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Entering the blogosphere

So for a while now I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog.  The commentary in my head for the past few months has been ~ what will I blog about? who will care? will anyone read it? do I have anything to say? and I still do not know the answers to these questions but figured I would just jump in with both feet and see where it takes me :)

I am a semi stay-at-home mom.  Raising my one year old daughter Emma.  I am going to be 40 in a few weeks and am trying to wrap my head around that.  Keep wondering how that happened - didn't I just graduate high school? I keep hearing the classic line from "When Harry Met Sally" ~ I'm going to be 40! When?? Someday! Well that someday is looming! And I know age is just a number but the reality of 40 is weird.  40 was always old! and I don't feel old.  So I guess it is just a number. 

Got a late start on the wife, stepmom, mother thing.  I was 36 when I got married and became a stepmother.  I was 38 when my baby girl was born and I became a heart mom. My baby girl Emma was born with Tetralogy of Fallot and is now a heart warrior.   This part of my journey has opened up a whole new world to me and one that I am very proud to be a part of.  The world I am talking about is the world of CHD.  I have met some amazing people.  I have seen miracles first hand.  I have heard of great loss and suffering.  I have seen people go through the toughest times of their lives with such grace and compassion.  It has opened my eyes to the amazing spirit of humankind.  I am proud to be a heart mom.  I look forward to telling Emma her heart story. I look forward to our journey in this life.  Won't you join us?

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