Monday, November 28, 2011

So I am back!!

So it has been quiet some time since I have written anything!! I find that when things get difficult for me I just walk away! So writing was causing me to look at myself and inside my thoughts and feelings ~ which I always have a tough time dealing with.  But walking away from my thoughts and feelings is getting me no where FAST!!!  So I am back!! To write for me! To find my way! To find the happy!! To have an outlet for every day stuff!! To talk about who I am and what I do!  Since Emma ~ I am a mom first!! Here's to finding my way and the journey and where it takes me!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yay for February!!

So February is CHD Awareness month.  Those of us who have had our lives touched by CHD in one way or another look forward to raising public awareness every day not just for the 28 days of February. But I am taking this month to raise not only others awareness of CHD but also my own!! I learned something new today ~ Every 15 minutes a baby is born with a CHD!! I did not know that and was very surprised by that information.  It is staggering!! 1 out of every 100 children born has a heart defect yet so many people do not know that.  I guess it is like anything - if your life is not personally affected by something you do not know it exists. 

So I am asking for help.  I would like to spread awareness and try to do something to make a difference.  Even if it is a small difference. I am looking for something new to do every day foe month of February.  Today I made a donation at Rite Aid to the American Heart Association.  Do you guys know of any places taking donations for CHD's?  Do you know of any THING I can do? Does not have to be monetary donations. 

Let me know about the events that you are aware of.  Help me to make a difference!

thank you in advance!

Emma's mama!!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011


Learning is a never ending process.  Seems everyday I learn something new.  Somedays it's a OMG moment and other days it's something so simple that if I blink I may miss it. And then there are the lessons that we learn over and over and over.....The major one I am learning now (for the millionth time) is that I can only change ME!!!  No matter how much you wish or try or ask or beg or (insert any word here) you will never be able to make someone be who you wish them to be.  We are all individuals and we all act how we feel is appropriate. Now how you respond may be totally different than how I do but this does not make your reaction wrong ~ it is just different than mine.  And although it is perfectly fine for us all to be different ~ man would this world be boring if we all agreed on everything~ sometimes we need certain things from the people in our lives.  And sometimes the people in our lives are not capable of providing us with what we need.  And although we wish and try and ask and is just never going to be.  So the lesson I  am working on is to not waste my energy being angry with someone who is not doing what I want them to do.  I am capable of doing it myself.  Anger wasted on others is energy not used for me or Emma ~ which is wasted energy for sure. 

So I will continue to learn every day!!  Knowledge is power!! <3

Friday, January 21, 2011


I am feeling kind of lost.  Floating thru the days without any direction.  Trying to find a purpose.  My main purpose these days is being Emma's mom (which I love).  But as all moms know being a mom comes with a heavy price. When I am not with her I am super anxious for much of the time.  But I do realize I need time to be me.  I try to take some time every once in a while.  Somewhere along the way over the past few years, I have disappeared. I spend way too much time trying to please everyone else and I have pretty well decided that this has to stop.  I need to take care of me and Emma.  I need to make sure we are happy.  So here I go pretty well just rambling ~ this is how the thoughts in my mind are.  I feel one way and try to convince myself I should feel another way.  I let other people dictate how I should be or what I should do or blah blah blah.  Like seriously if you have a beef with me or what I am or am not doing you need to discuss this with me~do NOT relay this message thru someone else. 

I want me back.  I am going to stand up for me and my girl!  Stop being so worried about everyone else's feelings and just worry about me and Emma.  If you don't like it ~ either have the balls to tell me or stay the fuck away!!!!!