Monday, December 13, 2010


WOW!!! Friday will be the end of my 30's.  Seems so surreal to think I will be 40.  My gosh 40 always seemed soooooo very old.  All my friends have turned 40 and none of them are old.  I still feel 18 with a few wrinkles and dings here and there but 40 wow.  I know it is just a number and I am always told I do not look my age but it is still a bit tough to wrap my mind around.  4o used to signify middle age - which i guess it still kind of does but people are living much longer these days so...

So let's see my 30's were pretty great.  I bought my house, brought home my Casey boy, ended a really bad(understatement) relationship, met my husband, got married, and became a mommy(which is by far the greatest thing I have ever done).  It is amazing how much can change in 10 years.  In all reality it is not a very long time.  When I look back at my life I try to have no regrets.  All things that have happened and all people that have been in my life, however long or short, have taught me something.  The sum of all my experiences have made me who I am and have brought me to today.  

With all that being said 40 is not so scary.  They say life gets better with age.  So I embrace my 40's and if they are half as good as my 30's it will be a really great decade.  

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